Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wednesday Virtual Dinner Partner

Something I have deliberated over with Virtual Dinner Partner is the level of disclosure and I had decided not to cover menstrual cycle in my writing. But today I feel it has a strong bearing on how I am doing. Never say never. I am bloated, crampy and craving chocolate and sweets and guess what is happening. I am in that lame-duck world of perimenopause and I never quite know what will happen month to month. I got lucky this month because exactly thirty days after the start of my last period I got mine again. I'm regular after a 3 month hiatus. Such is the nature of perimenopause. Sometimes the hormones fire up and go like clockwork and sometimes they don't. My initial response the last two months was happy surprise... really delight that things are working quite nicely. By the second day I am thinking, you know, menopause is not so bad.

I got out the Naproxin and I spent a slow and easy day. The whole "red tent" philosophy made tremendous sense to me today. I had absolutely no interest in going outside. OK, now I am tired of being inside so that will change tomorrow. Maybe that is the beauty of the menstrual cycle. Every once in a while, a woman just needs to rest and eat chocolate. So be it.

Sleep: about 8 hours

slice of leftover thin crust chicken spinach pizza
half grapefruit
2 c black tea
chocolate heaven
whole grain pita with baba ghannouj
chocolate with almonds
turkey burger with honey mustard
kitchen sink salad with spinach, tomatoes, celery, broccoli, cucumbers and 6 g fat canola based dressing
black bean brownie

Totals: 2 fruits and 5 veggies (and 4 servings of chocolate...oh my!)

Movement: arm resistance training

I want to praise the gush, the hot spring thaw of it, the rivers wild with it. Bodies, our extravagant bodies.
~Ellen Bass



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