Monday Virtual Dinner Partner
This business of writing about meal location makes me feel sheepish. It's like admitting I am wearing pajamas at 2 pm. I will write about this only for the week. It gives the blog a glass house quality which I can tolerate only briefly. It's interesting to consider and makes me wonder about other people. How formal are people for most meals?
Sleep: 8 and a half hours and up at 7
Weight: 186
Mixed diced apples and walnuts with remaining cottage cheese in its container. Ate at dining room table surrounded by Thanksgiving platters, racks and serving implements that are ready for kitchen storage. I was slightly hungry and completely enjoyed every bite of this mixture. I was not quite full enough so I continued with oatmeal which I ate from a bowl I really like. I sat cross legged on the living room sofa to eat. I was satisfied and felt about "10 til full."
cottage cheese, diced Fuji apple and walnuts
oatmeal (ok, I measured it without thinking...1/3c before cooked)
3 cups black tea
Drank this walking around and talking. It tasted great at first but lost track of it as the conversation continued. I was slightly hungry starting out and satisfied after the last swallows.
chocolate heaven
Ate lunch in three different sittings. I was hungry starting out. Ate round one on the living room sofa with my legs stretched out. I love cheese toast. It is the ultimate comfort food and somehow eating it with my legs stretched out on the sofa makes sense. On one level, it seems the epitome of sloth, on another, it's good living. Soup (round two): again, I was on the sofa but sitting up properly. Ate from a nice bowl. The grapefruit was peeled and sectioned in the kitchen, placed in a nice bowl and eviscerated from its membranes back on the sofa. Messy eating, but sometimes I need to go primal with grapefruit instead of eating it properly with a spoon. Excellent lunch! I was "5 past full" when I was done but I feel like I ate within reasonable limits. Just feeling fuller than hari hachi bu.
soy cheese melted on whole wheat pita
home made veggie soup
In the car, driving, before a hike. I really wasn't hungry but I hate to run out of steam (bonking) when I am hiking or biking. When extended exertion is called for, I fuel up with balanced snacks before I start and if I am out for several hours, I eat something along the way.
half a Tri-lo-plex bar
On the sofa again for dinner. Need to clear the table. I realize that I need to look at this pattern and work to include at least one "high meal" a day with nice table settings and a little more formality. I am informal in most of my life patterns but I appreciate that attention to detail may help with mindfulness. Slightly hungry to start and "5 past full" in the end.
sweet potato and New Balance
3 figs
Totals: 3 veggies and 3 fruits
Movement and meditation: one hour walk in the woods. Mild weather and moderate cloud cover. Geese circling today. I love watching them fly in formation.
Lord bless this mess
cos' we think it best
to make it short and sweet ah, bon appetite'
Good bread, good meat,
good God, let's eat!
Rub'a dub'a dub
Oh, Thanks for the grub!
~Terry Scott Taylor
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